Patricia’s Story

Patty reveals how she struggled with being hard on herself. But after joining War Room, she’s seeing approximately 100 patients a week and doesn’t beat herself up anymore. She says, "The person I’ve always wanted to be is the person I’m starting to become."

Rosanna’s Story

Rosanna had ZERO patients and had just opened her brand-new clinic when she joined War Room. Now, she’s seeing 30-45 patients a week and explains how working with Chris helped her achieve that.

Soleiana’s Story

Soleiana’s biggest takeaways from Summit and how it’s propelling her practice forward.

Robert’s Story

How War Room is helping Robert not only up-level his business, but SUPERCHARGE his personal life.

Tim’s Story

Tim reveals the very unique thing about working with Chris and how it’s helped him get and retain more patients, and earn more money as a result.

Christal’s Story

What Christal has gained from being in a growth-focused group with other aspiring high-impact, high-income clinic owners.

Scot’s Story

One lesson Scot learned from Chris that gave him more peace and sanity in his practice.

Monica’s Story

How we helped Monica conquer the self-limiting beliefs holding her back from seeing more patients and then helped her fill her schedule with ease.